Sunday, January 24, 2010

LOC TOC: Unravel and Renew

SEVERAL WEEKS ago, I was taking a shower and preparing to wash and retwist my locs when all of a sudden, I felt a loose dread in the back. rather than make any attempt at holding it together or twisting it back up to prevent it from falling apart, I let it unravel, allowing the curly strands to sprawl and convince their brethren to follow suit... soon I was running my eager fingers across my scalp and through the baby knots, removing them in multitudes and releasing my hair from its life sentence of perfect sections.

Taking my locs out was a good decision for that day. Although I questioned why I didn't immediately regret it, I grew to understand that I couldn't force my hair to do something it clearly didn't want to do. It sounds a bit contrived, but I am growing to have a mentality in which I respect the integrity of my hair during the locing journey.

I've re-twisted my hair again, this time without focusing on perfect parts or thicker size, rather, I grabbed smaller non uniformed sections and I've approached this with a leniency and willingness to negotiate with my hair.

Now that we have an understanding, I feel like inspired to handle the rest of my life with the same level of confidence and un-manipulated action. I will try to stop forcing things to be a certain way, and accept myself without prejudice.

That being said, I feel like I should briefly touch upon the events of last night. I went to a birthday party for my friend. While I previously berated others for their unrestrained behavior and held myself to unnatural standards of chastity and sobriety, I found myself unraveling a bit last night: and that is totally okay.

Judgement, Guilt, Shame, Questions, Regret--never occurred to me and have yet to appear. I honestly don't feel the need to excuse myself for anything at all.

To bind myself to conscience is to hermitize my spirit and ultimately disrespect the capacities of existence.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



It seems that after a semester away at Temple University and my subsequent decision to return to my old college, I have a CRAPLOAD of things to discuss here on my blog, such as the weight of the decisions we make,the effects of failure, dealing with the expectations people have for you, and also my prospects for 2010 and the upcoming semester.

Along with all of my blog material, comes life circumstances : the things that I actually have to sort out and put into effect in order to get my ish together. Therefore, I will take a bit of a hiatus for now. I will be updating again in the near future.

Peace and Happy New Year!
