Friday, August 14, 2009

I shaved my head

So yesterday i undertook the tedious task of removing my braids. it took long, yes, but i had a goal in sight; the aim was to revisit the natural state of my hair. as i was unweaving, i envisioned a thick, ebony cotton crown, with a lush texture and some added length to be unveiled after being braided for two months.

instead i found my self picking through rough, dry akward lenghth-ed, and totally lifeless wires sprouting from my scalp. i figured after a deep conditioning, i might relieve some of the kinks and i would deal with the permed ends accordingly in my quest to natural hair.

but i didnt. i stepped out of the shower after the final rinse to my great dismay, and felt an utter sense of resignation for the state of my hair.

i then decided it was time to start fresh. not wanting to make rash decisions on a hot head, i decided that if i felt the same by the morning i would just shave it all off.

i consulted with my mother and she said it was a bad idea... i wasnt suprised. she equates long silky straight hair with social acceptance and overall success (which is pretty much what all mom's want for their children).

and so i resumed my inner-self pact and awoke the next day (thurs) unhappy with the damaged frizzball hiding underneath my du-rag, i hacked it off with scissors and buzzed it all away, along with every care of social confines and the classic "fitting in" mentality. who the hell cares? I'm still me whether i look like a barbie doll or a cue-ball anyway. i couldnt hide my personality behind any look.

people always percieve others based on their appearance. but thats for ordinary people who have nothing more to offer than their looks. im sure if you took that away from them there would be nothing left... or so they think. i intend to find out what's beyond my exterior, and exude the extraordinary from WITHIN. sit on that.

1 comment:

  1. This is a Pauline i have never met. You sound very mature. You are a true blogger i see. Well good luck with it. I hope that your study works out the way you plan. I bet you your mom will come around. Hair is just hair and will grow back in time.
