Friday, February 26, 2010


I SEEM TO have a lot of queries for the world with a limited amount of answers. Your responses are welcome.

1. Why is it that when I have more free time, I seem to be less motivated to do work?
2. Why is it against the rules to call someone back to answer their text?
3. Why do girls act like they don't like it when guys check them out?
4. Why is it okay to look down on people who don't go to college, when those of us who do go skip class at every opportunity anyway?
5. Why do people always say that older music is the best music?
6. Why do people talk about conservative people like they are mindless, when they are kind of brainwashed by liberal media?
7. Why do people say 'lol' for things that aren't really funny?
8. Why are my sheets so cold when I go to bed?
9. Why is it so hard to breathe normally after you've been crying?
10. Why do people idolize musicians so vehemently, and not authors, scholars, activists, and real people?


  1. 1. Because we are procrastinators and somewhat lazy sometimes...even if we don't want to admit it. Sometimes we just need me-time.
    2.I don't think it's against the rules. Some people just can't answer.
    3. I like it when guys check me out...unless they're creepy. which usually they are. -_-
    4. Morally I should say that you shouldn't look down on anyone...but I just like it when people feel the need to further their dreams in college. But I don't skip class often so...
    5. I like older music anyway. It has a lot more class and history to me that a lot of the stuff nowadays. I like new stuff, but old stuff still sounds cool. But that's just me.
    6. idk...
    7. to make the other person feel like a comedian...or themselves maybe?
    8. because they don't have body heat to warm them up.
    9. so much emotion? idk..usually I just feel really really hungry...and tired
    10. I idolize anyone that I think is great.
    btw...i like your blog pauline :)
