Monday, February 22, 2010

Walking on a Dream

HOW CAN I EXPLAIN? Basically some people (my parents) would like me to adopt a rigid plan for the rest of my future. And it makes sense, I can't live at home forever, and who wouldn't want to see a young person seriously pursue success?

I just can't wrap my head around all the ambitious hunger and eagerness I'm supposed to be exhibiting. I would like to be better at planning out a course for myself, so I don't end up causing a lot of detours (as i have been doing) I just don't sweat over the whole failure thing. It's not phasing me as much as it should.

I feel like we are striving for ultimate pinnacle of prosperity and happiness and I've already got a mansion in my head. I feel as though success is a mental state. It's internal. Like the story of that guy what's his name? Sisyphus! Basically he was an ancient Greek character who was sentenced to push a rock up a hill as it would perpetually roll back down and he would do this continually until-- forever. 

(Sounds like a lot of 9-5's out there.)  Anyway, Sisyphus enjoys his punishment and it's therefore no longer a punishment. What I'm saying is whatever I end up doing with my life I will be successful because I am content. 

Also, I try not to anticipate the future too much because then I'll totally neglect the present. This notion is really well put in a song called Walking on a Dream by a band named Empire of the Sun. (This song is currently the most played on my Itunes list) 

"We are always running for the thrill of it.... always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it/ Never looking down I'm just in awe of what's in front of me..."

Don't put so much pressure on yourself to become successful by worldly definition. Do what you love and if you can't,  love what you do.

Misfortune is relative to what you want;
If you don't want anything more than what you have, then you already have everything you want. 

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