Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
I SEEM TO have a lot of queries for the world with a limited amount of answers. Your responses are welcome.
1. Why is it that when I have more free time, I seem to be less motivated to do work?
2. Why is it against the rules to call someone back to answer their text?
3. Why do girls act like they don't like it when guys check them out?
4. Why is it okay to look down on people who don't go to college, when those of us who do go skip class at every opportunity anyway?
5. Why do people always say that older music is the best music?
6. Why do people talk about conservative people like they are mindless, when they are kind of brainwashed by liberal media?
7. Why do people say 'lol' for things that aren't really funny?
8. Why are my sheets so cold when I go to bed?
9. Why is it so hard to breathe normally after you've been crying?
10. Why do people idolize musicians so vehemently, and not authors, scholars, activists, and real people?
1. Why is it that when I have more free time, I seem to be less motivated to do work?
2. Why is it against the rules to call someone back to answer their text?
3. Why do girls act like they don't like it when guys check them out?
4. Why is it okay to look down on people who don't go to college, when those of us who do go skip class at every opportunity anyway?
5. Why do people always say that older music is the best music?
6. Why do people talk about conservative people like they are mindless, when they are kind of brainwashed by liberal media?
7. Why do people say 'lol' for things that aren't really funny?
8. Why are my sheets so cold when I go to bed?
9. Why is it so hard to breathe normally after you've been crying?
10. Why do people idolize musicians so vehemently, and not authors, scholars, activists, and real people?
Product Review: Trident Layers
REALLY, PAULINE? YES. I am going to do a product review on Trident Layers gum.
THE PINK ONE is strawberry orange flavored. It kind of has a smoothie taste and its tangy. It is pretty true to flavor but at the same token, who told them that strawberry and orange are an appealing combo? I like the color though. I give it a 5/10
THE GREEN ONE is apple pineapple flavor. It smells really good and It tastes better than the former. I was more excited about this one than the strawberry orange. Its filled with flavor. 7/10
That being said, the flavor on this gum only lasts about 5 minutes and the center "juicy" part is not as invigorating as I thought it would be. You only get 14 sticks to a pack but they are kind of large so you can blow bubbles. The thing about that though is that the gum is pretty firm so you have to do a lot of chewing before you get to the fun part, and by then the flavor is gone. This gum is pretty good, but don't go into it expecting a lot of you will be disappointed.
If they tried to pay me in Trident Layers, I would quit my job. 4/10
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"WHEN I GROW UP..." I will know I have grown because I've stopped referring to some distant time in the future I am waiting to finally arrive.
I think it's near.
And I know this because for the first time in my life I am not waiting for the time of self realization to come. I'm actually going there; if that makes any sense at all.
So I may be getting a little bit ahead of myself here, but I had an 'aha moment' today about where I see myself going in the next few years until I graduate from college. Up until about the end of Summer '09, I fancied myself a budding journalist who was just in the wrong college (William Paterson University). I thought things would be better at a bigger school at a better location, yadda yadda I went to Temple University in Philadelphia, and I realized that I don't want to pursue a career in journalism.
It feels good to have an ambition again.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wayne Brady was Right.
EVERY MORNING I wake up, I don't necessarily get out my smiley face cup; but as I reluctantly get ready for school or work, I make myself a cup of coffee and then add unholy amounts of this stuff right here.
It's freaking delicious. And it makes the yucky, mundane, gray, existential nightmarish timeline of my life a little bit more bearable.
I encourage everyone who reads this to find something you kind of love, and just inject it into this carousel of tedium we call life.
Seriously, I'm running on an I/V drip of International Delight coffee creamer.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Good stuff: Be Kind
WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY students do not hold the door for others.
This morning a man I was walking two steps behind let the door close right before I got to the threshold. He went so far as to hold the door shut and glare menacingly at me through the glass! I gripped the handle with all of my might as he held his wicked expression with gritted teeth. He even growled and bared his grizzly, bloodstained fangs!
Needless to say, I backed away, terrified. He belted out an evil laugh and I died a little on the inside.
People these days!
Walking on a Dream
HOW CAN I EXPLAIN? Basically some people (my parents) would like me to adopt a rigid plan for the rest of my future. And it makes sense, I can't live at home forever, and who wouldn't want to see a young person seriously pursue success?
I just can't wrap my head around all the ambitious hunger and eagerness I'm supposed to be exhibiting. I would like to be better at planning out a course for myself, so I don't end up causing a lot of detours (as i have been doing) I just don't sweat over the whole failure thing. It's not phasing me as much as it should.
I feel like we are striving for ultimate pinnacle of prosperity and happiness and I've already got a mansion in my head. I feel as though success is a mental state. It's internal. Like the story of that guy what's his name? Sisyphus! Basically he was an ancient Greek character who was sentenced to push a rock up a hill as it would perpetually roll back down and he would do this continually until-- forever.
(Sounds like a lot of 9-5's out there.) Anyway, Sisyphus enjoys his punishment and it's therefore no longer a punishment. What I'm saying is whatever I end up doing with my life I will be successful because I am content.
Also, I try not to anticipate the future too much because then I'll totally neglect the present. This notion is really well put in a song called Walking on a Dream by a band named Empire of the Sun. (This song is currently the most played on my Itunes list)
"We are always running for the thrill of it.... always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it/ Never looking down I'm just in awe of what's in front of me..."
Don't put so much pressure on yourself to become successful by worldly definition. Do what you love and if you can't, love what you do.
Misfortune is relative to what you want;
If you don't want anything more than what you have, then you already have everything you want.
Growing up,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
EVERY YEAR Vanity Fair does a "Young Hollywood" issue in which they feature a cover and a centerfold with several young female stars who they would consider to be the hottest young actors of the year.
This year, the group of cover girls includes Amanda Seyfried from Dear John and Mamma Mia, Kristen Stewart from the Twilight jawns, Some other chick from Twilight, The redheaded girl, Emma- something from Superbad, (honestly, I don't know what she was in this year) Evan Rachel Wood (-- seriously? She was on the cover before!) and then a bunch of other women who I don't recognize.

* NOTE: I really don't want this to become an entertainment/gossip blog, (there's enough of that out there, but this just bugs me. I promise this is it for this kind of post.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
John Mayer Doesn't Do Black Women
JOHN MAYER caused a whole stir on Twitter today because of an interview (click here) he did with In it, he said some pretty racist things about how he's accepted by the Black community and yet he isn't attracted to Black chicks.

"...if you really had a hood pass,
you could call it a nigger pass."
He apologized on his twitter page for saying nigger and said he'll never use it again. Yes. He's an idiot for saying what he said but :
1. It's a Playboy interview: they're always candid and edgy
2. Why are people still apologizing for "using the 'n' word" and claiming they'll never use it again?
3. If a celebrity has an opinion about something and it's not favorable so what? All I'm concerned with is his guitar playing.
4. Black women aren't checking for you anyway John Mayer!
5. McDonald's ads do a lot more harm to the Black community than this guy.
Anyway, I wasn't offended by the interview. A lot of people don't date interacially. Just because he voiced it in a vulgar way, doesn't mean he's a racist. A dummy, yes. A bigot, I dunno... I'll see how good Heartbreak Warfare is before I decide.
john mayer,
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Lie that Makes us Realize the Truth

Basically, the idea is that Art is thrice removed from Reality; Reality being the original form or CONCEPT of something.
Only God or The Creator can create Reality. The example in the text is a bed. The concept of the bed, it's use and purpose, is its Reality.
Second to Reality is the actual tangible thing. Man creates things such as a carpenter building a bed in this sense. Every bed made is just a copy of the true Reality of The Bed.
And thirdly comes the arts, because Art is an imitation of things. According to Plato, it is least significant because it only captures the image of something and not the Concept or Reality. In this instance, a painting of a bed is an example of art being a representation of the appearance of something.
Plato wanted to rid the world of Poets and Artists and Tragedists because he thought they distracted people from the ultimate reality. I differed with this whole concept personally. I am a consumer of Poetry and Art and I appreciate them as vehicles of emotional communication. Which in my opinion is not a deterrent from truth but a way to discern what you want your Truth to be.
IF ART AND POETRY WERE just a simple imitation of the Truth, then I might understand Plato's condemning of it. But a lot of Concepts can be derived through Art. Pablo Picasso's Guernica is a depiction of the Spanish Civil War. It's kind of an abstract painting, but it is a portrayal nonetheless of profound emotions, which to me, are just as valid as rationalism and the search for Truth.
Guernica Pablo Picasso (1937)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Kindly Comestibles
I'VE STARTED the GM Diet yesterday and it's been going well. I can't stop peeing but that's an effect of drinking a million glasses of water a day. My skin looks really vibrant and I can tell I've shed some water weight already.

I'm really starting to miss sweets and fatty foods, but only when I smell or see them. It definitely feels like life is boring without McDoubles and Cake and all that good stuff.
`Stop feeding babies colored sugar coated lard squares - Beef Rap
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
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