Monday, December 28, 2009
My 20th Birthday!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
LOC TOC: Monthiversary
Friday, December 18, 2009
LOC TOC: False Alarm
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Lovely Bones Movie Comes out Jan. 15th!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Things I Hate About People: Arrogance
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Hey, It's me in '04!
Monday, December 7, 2009
LOC TOC: First Time Loctitian
Who's Real and Who's not?

Sunday, December 6, 2009
TODAY IS COLD . To a surprising extent. Which is why on my way back from my volunteer job I decided to stop and grab something hot to drink. While waiting in line I noticed an older woman in a blue coat looking at the menu and muttering to herself. I glanced at her in recognition and took my place in ine behind her. She told me to go ahead in front of her.
“ I’m still trying to make my mind up,” she said smiling sweetly. I smiled back, nodded said ok and got in front of her.
I had been trying to get into the friendly warmth of Philly culture for the almost two months that I’ve been here, making small talk with strangers, observing the camaraderie between men, and the reverence they display towards women and the elderly.
“I just need something warm. It’s so cold out,” I added, looking back at the woman in my best ‘talk about the weather‘ voice.
“Yeah,” she responded, “My friend told me about something that’s not coffee— it’s a tea, but it sorta tastes like coffee,”
“Is it Chai?” I cut in.
Her eyes widened and I could see her cataracts behind her oval glasses. Her mouth became a grin filled with gleeful old teeth and framed by tiny wisps of facial hair.
“How did you know?” she cried jovially.
“Um,” I said, not knowing what to say.
“I have been trying to remember the name of it, but I just couldn’t and then you come along! God really does answer prayers!”
I didn’t understand why, and I felt like this was an overstatement, but as she went on, exclaiming her happiness; I began to feel really happy for her. Although it was a small request, it seemed to make a difference to her, and I was glad to have been a part of that. I wanted to celebrate too, so I ordered a Chai and I thanked God for all the blessings I’ve had; even the little ones.
As we parted ways she told me to have a blessed day and I told her to enjoy her weekend. I feel like that was an inspiring encounter, though brief and possibly trivial. But it made me want to record it and remember to value the tiny wisps of clarity and all the things we are granted in life.
NOTE: I wrote this story in October and posted it on my Tumblr blog. I decided it fit better on this blog so I've moved it here.
LOC TOC: I hope this works.
Oddity: Homophobic, Illiterate, Doctor!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I'll Get there, It better be Worth the trip. by John Donovan
Tiger Woods
I don't know what to think. For one thing, I don't idolize celebs enough to invest all my faith in love, morals, and fidelity in them. He's human.
Dr. Martin Luther King cheated on Corretta Scott plenty of times, and we don't talk about that. But then again he was out preaching the word and bringing races together fighting for the greater good.
So Tiger, I suggest you put the club down and start doing charity work or something. At least give your girl the Kobe Special for putting up with this mess.
He'll be alright. Most of his fans are men, so you know it's whatever.
LOC TOC: Patiently waiting.
Men: Guys Who Holla and the Women Who Don't Appreciate Them
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
LOC TOC: cloveham and fawning (sounds like street names
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving and Existentialism
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Facebook and the Greater Net
The Elusive LOVE
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Crossaint Story
We’re in the car and on the way to church and my mother turns down the radio which is tuned to FM 94.7, the Christian station.
As always, we arrive at Church about five minutes before the service starts.
“Do you want this croissant, Kiki?” I proposed while tapping her shoulder. She turned and faced me with a different croissant sticking out of her mouth “Roh” she says as flaky crumbs hit my face. “Oh Scooby!” I chuckled.
“ I don’t know, should I? It’s not even wrapped in anything” she asks unsure about what I was planning.
“Do it.” I utter without acknowledging what kind of havoc those two syllables would soon wreak.
We leave church and from that point on we try all day to get my mom to go into her purse and find her surprise so we can all have an “Oh Scoob!” laugh. “Pauline, give me my cell phone,” she requests on the way home.
When we get home for our routine Sunday cleaning and laundry marathon she announces “I’m going to Costco. I’ll be back soon.” That’s also part of the Sunday routine. She loves Price Club.
When my mother returns my sister and I are on the couch watching television and the house is not much cleaner than it was when she left. She walks in, surveying the room and says “Let me ask you something.”